Mar 29, 2018

Cherry blossom viewing in my Sagamihara neighborhood

I have been to see the cherry blossoms close to my home in Sagamihara...








Mar 27, 2018

Grilled chicken thigh(鶏もものグリル)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Domaine La Vista Grains Mêlés Rouge from France.

Grilled chicken thigh with avocado cream sauce... has a sweet taste and a little spicy... usually used as topping for meat dishes... goes with medium bodied red wine ... yummy!!


Mar 25, 2018

"American Cafe" in Minami, Sagamihara (オダサガのアメリカンカフェ)

I had lunch at a cafe called "American cafe" that is not so famous but is loved by some people and local in Odasaga area (near Odakyu-Sagamihara station), Sagamihara today. The cafe staff there speaks only English...

The cafe is full of America...

BGM there is full of American country music...


All American Style Hot Dog that the cafe owner recommended...

With relish... very delicious... yummy!!!

Bonus snacks...

And extra...

I had very good time at the cafe... thank you and see you again!!


Mar 23, 2018

A get-together at a wine bar in Machida, Tokyo

I was going to join a get-together at a wine bar "街角グラス" in Machida, Tokyo last night.
We are former colleagues of mine from the same company.

Bottles of wine at the bar...

Panul Chardonnay from Chile

Diego de Almagro Gran Reserva (tempranillo) from Spain

San Giorgio Montepulciano d'Abruzzo from Italy

And delicious dishes...

Bura Mitsuzee (ブラミツジ)... Mitsuzee, one of our members strolls many areas in the world and shows videos of exotic and uncommon. At this time "A tour of islands in the Indian Ocean and the southern hemisphere by a luxury liner" by Mitsuzee.

And a demonstration of a quadcopter...

We had the very good time at the bar... thank you all !!

Mar 20, 2018

Lightly grilled tuna(マグロのレアグリル プッタネスカソース)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad and Bardolino Chiaretto from Italy.

Lightly grilled tuna with sugo alla puttanesca.

The sauce called sugo alla puttanesca is made with tomatoes, anchovies, garlic, chili peppers and etc. Originally, the sauce is served with spaghetti, although it also goes well with seafood.


Mar 13, 2018

Grilled pork loin(豚ロースのグリル)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Clos Buzao Pinot Noir Reserve from Romania.

(注)クロ・ビュザオ ピノ・ノワール リザーブ・・・ルーマニアのピノノワール種のしっかりした果実味で、圧倒的存在感のあるフルボディの赤ワインです。

Grilled pork loin with sauce with dried shrimp and zah cai ... it is spicy, sour and salty... has a unique texture.

It goes with fruity full bodied red wine... yummy!!


Mar 8, 2018

A famous hamburg steak house in Sagamihara "福よし"

I had lunch at a famous hamburg steak house in Sagamihara today.

The interior creates a mature atmosphere with the American style...

Torokeru hamburg steak (melting hamburg steak) 150g... cooked on a griddle by a customer.
とろけるハンバーグ150g・・・レア焼き状態で出てきます。客が、自分の好みで焼くんです・・・お好み焼きを焼く気分です!? 変わってますね!

And all-you-can-eat rice, salad and soup...

An exclusive texture and taste... yummy!!
確かに、このハンバーグはほかの店にはない食感と味ですね・・・国産黒毛和牛100%で卵、小麦粉は使用していないんだそうです。ジューシーなんだけど、ポロポロこぼれそうでこぼれない・・・口の中で、とろけるようにふにゃっとなります。つなぎは何を使っているんですかね? 不思議です?





Mar 6, 2018

Stewed chicken meatballs and spring cabbage(鶏肉団子と春キャベツのスープ煮込み)

I had lunch at a restaurant serves wine and grills in Machida today.
Salad... and Meo di Ca Da Meo Gavi from Piemonte, Italy.

Stewed chicken meatballs and spring cabbage... it is very delicious because of cabbage stew enhanced in deliciousness and soup with nam pla (Thai fish sauce)... goes with white wine from Gavi, Piemonte, Italy... yummy!!



Mar 4, 2018

Fried cuttlefish, vegetables and garlic(メトウイカと野菜のニンニク炒め)

I had dinner at a restaurant in Kamakura last night.
Le Barbaterre La Rovinata from Emilia Romagna, Italy and Fatalone Primitivo from Puglia, Italy.
(注)レ・バルバテッレ ラ・ロヴィナータ・・・イタリア・エミリア・ロマーニャ州産の白ワイン。3種類のブドウ品種を原料に作られており、複雑な味わいだがフルーティで舌触りが良い。ファタローネ プリミティーヴォ・・・イタリア・プーリア州のプリミティーヴォ種の赤ワイン。タンニンが強く、重厚感があるのにエレガントな味わいです。

Marinated sardine 鰯のマリネ

Salad サラダ

Fuki(Butterbul) shoot fritter 蕗の薹のフリット

Fried cuttlefish, vegetables and garlic メトウイカと野菜のニンニク炒め

Crab and mushroom risotto ズワイガニとキノコのサフランリゾット

Spaghettoni with small octopuses and vegetables イイダコと野菜のスパゲットーニ

Wine and dishes are very delicious... yummy!!